
Revival is not something we do. It’s God stirring up the hearts of his people.

National Eucharistic Revival:
June 19, 2022–Pentecost 2025

Parish Census:
This is a quick reminder that our parish census is underway. The purpose of this diocese-wide census is to gather accurate and up-to-date information about all our parishioners. We hope to improve communication obtaining accurate contact information. If we have your email on file you will also find additional information about this census in an email sent out in the last day or two.  The parish will also provide an option for people to fill out the census before or after Mass. You may also use this link to complete the census online. Thank you.

Family Faith Formation:
Families with children in grades K-6 are invited to join our parish Family Faith Formation program beginning  Saturday, September 14, the weekend of Catechetical Sunday, following the 4:00 pm Mass at St. Francis Solanus! This program includes preparation for First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation.
        In order to have the children’s workbooks ready for pick up on September 14, please register by August 23. There is a suggested donation of $20 to cover the cost of the workbooks.