Bulletin for May 7, 2017 ~ Good Shepherd Sunday

Good Shepherd banner

First reading:
Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. (Ps. 23)

Second reading:
He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Pt. 2:24)

“Whoever enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear his voice, as the shepherd calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice.” (Jn. 10:2-4)

Live the Liturgy—Inspiration for the Week:
Did you ever wonder why so many images of a shepherd show him with a sheep around his neck? When sheep wander, they need to learn who to follow. A good shepherd realizes that in order for the animal to do this, there must be a bond so tight that they then “smell” like each other and the sheep can recognize the scent. Jesus has us around his neck. He wants us to follow him; not just his teachings, but in the relationship with his Father. Jesus shows us, by his life, suffering, death, and resurrection what we ought to do to be fully human and live as children of God. By bonding with those most poor and vulnerable, Jesus calls us to do the same and desires to be our Good Shepherd. As you worship here today, keep in mind an image of Jesus carrying you around his neck. He wants you to recognize him so that you can follow, especially when we find ourselves wandering away.

Catholic Quotes—Words to Inspire the Faithful:
My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.” ~Our Lady of Fatima

©Liturgical Publications Inc.

Upcoming Events:

  • Scripture study classes of the Gospel: on Tuesdays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. James the Apostle church.
  • AA Meetings: St. Francis Church, on Tuesday, at 8:00 p.m.
  • Food Pantries: Ovid Federated Church on Mondays, 10:00 a.m. The food truck is available to everyone every other Tuesday, 3:00 p.m. (May 16 and May 30). The food pantry is at the Interlaken Reformed Church on Fridays, 3:00–6:00 p.m. The Trumansburg food pantry is at the Methodist Church every other Monday 1:00–2:00 p.m. and 5:30–6:00 p.m. (May 8 and May 22).
  • Weekends in May: Parishioners are invited to bring flowers to Church, to be part of the processional at Mass, and place the flowers at the statue of Mary.
  • An Italian Night to Benefit Notre Dame High School and HS-Ithaca Bus: May 8, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, at St Catherine of Sienna Parish Hall, 309 Siena Drive, Ithaca.
  • Holy Hour for Vocations: Wednesday, May 10, at the Parish Center in St. Francis Solanus Church from 7:00–8:00 p.m.
  • Anniversary of the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima, Portugal: The rosary will be prayed fifteen minutes before the Masses on May 13 and 14
  • Birthright and Mothers’ Day: The annual Mothers’ Day Flower Sale will be May 13 and 14
  • Day Retreat at Notre Dame Retreat House: presented by Fr. Dan Tormey, on Tuesday, May 16.
  • Trumansburg Board of Education Vote: May 16, from noon to 9:00 p.m. at the Ulysses Historical Society.
  • Annual Trumansburg Community Yard Sale: Saturday, May 20.
  • Holy Cross Cemetery Clean-up in Ovid: Saturday, May 20, at 10:00 a.m.
  • Selection of Parish Council Members: Nominations need to be in by May 21 with voting the last weekend of May (May 27 and 28) at each of the churches.
  • Personal Care Products Collection: This collection for clients of the Interlaken and Ovid food pantries ends the weekend of May 28.
  • Pentecost Social Gathering: Parish House at Holy Cross Church, Ovid, on June 4, after the 9:30 a.m. Mass.


  • Sally R. Guthrie, 88, died April 20, funeral at St. James the Apostle on April 22, 2017.
  • Therese Elliott, 91, died April 22, funeral at St. Francis Solanus on April 25, 2017.

2017 World Day of Prayer for Vocations:
This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. It is a day, throughout the world, when the Church encourages Catholics to continually pray for vocations to the religious life and priesthood. The encouragement is to: pray for the priests who have ministered to you throughout your life, both living and dead; to keep parish priests in your prayers; to encourage your children, grandchildren, or other young people to consider a vocation as a priest or religious brother or sister. On May 10 our parish will hold a Holy Hour for vocations. It will be held at the Parish Center in St. Francis Solanus Church from 7:00–8:00 p.m. Please make every attempt to come and pray for the needed vocations to religious life and the priesthood and to pray especially for priesthood and religious life vocations from our Parish of Mary, Mother of Mercy.

Parish Social Gathering:
All are invited to Holy Cross Church, Ovid, for a social on Pentecost Sunday, June 4, after the 9:30 a.m. Mass. The social will be held in the Parish House.

Sacrament of Confirmation:
On Wednesday evening, May 3, eight young parishioners celebrated their initiation completion into the Church when confirmed by Bishop Salvatore Matano, at St. Stephen’s Church, Geneva. They are: Conor Baird, Kaitlyn Feely, Alexandria French, Gregory Marion, Jack Masters, Joseph Morpurgo, Deayza-Marie Peebles, and Ashley Torres. We rejoice with them. They are a blessing to the Church and our parish.

Old tools

Month of May:
The Blessed Virgin Mary is honored in a special way during the month of May. On the weekends of May, parishioners are invited to bring flowers to Church, to be part of the processional at Mass, and place the flowers at the statue of Mary. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer of the church for those wishing to do so.

Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima:
May 13 marks the hundredth anniversary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Lucia de Jesus Santos, and Francisco and Jacinta Marto at Fatima, Portugal. Our Lady of the Rosary is a title closely associated with the apparitions. To mark the anniversary and to honor Mary, the rosary will be prayed fifteen minutes before the masses next weekend. Please plan to arrive at church in time to pray the rosary to our parish patron saint: Mary, Mother of Mercy.

Parish Council Nominations:
Ballots for nominating membership on the Parish Council are available in the church. This year St. Francis Solanus church needs three new members, while Holy Cross and St. James each need two new members. Each church needs another parishioner as an alternate. The membership selection will take place on the weekend of May 28. Nominations need to be in by Sunday, May 21.

Trumansburg Community Yard Sale:
Saturday, May 20, is the date of the Trumansburg Community Yard Sale. Have you started to clean out your closets, or maybe your basement or attic? The Women’s Guild will again participate, in this annual event. You may donate all clean and workable items, except clothing, bedclothes or bath linens, books, VHS tapes, CDs and DVDs. Simply place your items in the St. James garage.

Trumansburg Food Pantry:
May and June are the months when St. James the Apostle church provides volunteers to the Trumansburg Food Pantry. A sign-up sheet has been provided in the St. James foyer. Please sign up if you are available to help out. The pantry also needs additional volunteers this year to help with heavy lifting at around 9:00 a.m. and again at 12:45 p.m. Thank you.

Personal Care Products Collection:
During the month of May parishioners are asked for donations of personal care items for clients of the Interlaken and Ovid food pantries. Personal care products needed are soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, body soap or washes, shaving soap, razors, deodorants, etc. This promoted collection will end on the weekend of May 28.

Ovid Holy Cross Cemetery:
A clean-up date has been set for Saturday, May 20, at 10:00 a.m. As in the past all parishioners are welcome to help. Those who clean-up before Saturday, please remember to take home the debris you collect.

2016-2017 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA):
Thank you to everyone who has responded with a gift or pledge. We need all parishioners’ help to reach the given goal of $29,855. The April 28 update reported that our parish has pledged $28,845. We are presently $1,010 shy of our given goal. If you have not made a pledge, please do so as soon as possible. If our parish does not reach our given goal, the difference will be billed to the parish. Pledge envelopes are located in the vestibules of the church.

Monthly Maintenance Fund Collection:
This month, the collection to help in the support of the maintenance of parish buildings and grounds will be taken up next weekend (May 14 weekend).

St. James the Apostle Food Donations:
Food donations may be brought to the church next weekend and placed on the table located in the front of the church. Monetary donations are also accepted.

Birthright and Mothers’ Day:
The annual Mothers’ Day Flower Sale will be next weekend. One flower $1.00; a half dozen are $5.00; and one dozen is $10.00. Please extend your support to Birthright, an organization that helps pregnant women, offers free self-administered pregnancy tests, prenatal information, medical maternity, and baby clothes.

Notre Dame High School to Ithaca Bus:
An Italian Night to benefit Notre Dame High School and HS-Ithaca bus, will take place on Monday, May 8, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, at St Catherine of Sienna Parish Hall, 309 Siena Drive, Ithaca. A goodwill offering at the door is suggested. A fundraiser raffle to benefit Notre Dame HS-Ithaca Bus will be offered. The drawing will be Saturday, May 13. This event is open to the public. Note: raffle tickets will be available at St James the Apostle Church this weekend after the 11:00 a.m. Mass.

Life after Easter:
A day retreat at Notre Dame Retreat House (5151 Foster Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424), presented by Fr. Dan Tormey, is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16. The day schedule is: 9:00 a.m. registration along with coffee and pastries, 9:30 a.m. conference begins, lunch at noon, followed by reconciliation and Mass, and the day ends at 3:00 p.m. For more details on the presentation and what the day offers, please visit the website: notredameretreat.org. You may call 585-394-5700 to register. A fee of $25.00 is payable at registration.

Clothing Closet Need:
Catholic Charities in Ithaca is recruiting volunteers for the busy Clothing Closet, which provides community members free clothing, shoes, blankets, sheets, and many more items. The Clothing Closet gets close to 20–30 visits per day and gives away around 2,000 free items per month! This service keeps elders dressed warmly in winter, provides kids with school clothes, and enables adults to find appropriate attire for interviews and work. Volunteers who can commit to three hours a week, enjoy helping others, and want to be a part of a strong community of kindness are asked to contact Michaela at 272-5062 ext. 10 or at MCortright@dor.org. Volunteers are especially needed on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings right now, but volunteers for other weekdays are also welcome.

Trumansburg Board of Education:
Our parishioner, Jhoanna Haynes, is running for a position on the board. Voting will take place on May 16, from noon to 9:00 p.m. at the Ulysses Historical Society. Please visit www.tburgschools.org/districtpage. for more details on the candidates.

Guidelines for the Reception of Holy Communion:
Please note that our Catholic Church has a discipline, namely, that Catholics cannot receive Communion in non-Catholic churches and non-Catholics cannot receive communion in Catholic churches. A summarized rationale is that there is no uniformity among the churches regarding the understanding of the Eucharist and that even though we may be one in our belief in Jesus, in reality we are divided as believers in Jesus. The Catholic Church’s discipline highlights the reminder and the need to continually work for oneness among Christians that is, that we all may be one in faith, life, and worship. Please communicate to Catholics and to non-Catholics requesting that they respect and follow the Catholic discipline. The guidelines can be found in the hymnal on page 231.

MayFEST 2017 at Notre Dame:
The annual Notre Dame May FEST will be held on Saturday, May 13, from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. at Notre Dame High School and offers fun for the whole family!  While visiting MayFEST enjoy the wide variety of vendors at our craft fair, relish a tasty treat from the baked goods booth and purchase your Mother’s Day flowers. Browse the wonderful Jr. and Sr. High student displays of art work. Purchase a chicken BBQ meal to take home for dinner.  Notre Dame High School is located at 1400 Maple Avenue, Elmira, NY 14904.  All proceeds from MayFEST will benefit Notre Dame High School.

Sisters of St. Joseph Prayer Ministry:
The sisters have alerted us that throughout this year, 2017, Sister Anne Marie Burns and Sister Dolores Bachman are praying for our parishioners and parish. In appreciation for their thoughtfulness, kindness, and prayers, please keep them in your prayers. Sisters of St. Joseph website: www.ssjrochester.org.

Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes:
Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes, located at 551 Exchange St. in Geneva, is offering a “Forgiven and Set Free” post abortive ten-week session beginning October 4 until December 13. There is no cost involved. “If you regret your abortion, you are not alone. Let us help you learn to forgive yourself. Pleased join us for this healing ministry program.” For more information phone 315 789 0708.

Cancer Services Program (Cortland and Tompkins Counties):
This a program that provides free cancer screenings (breast, cervical, and colorectal) to women from ages 40–64 and men ages 50–64, who are uninsured or have health insurance that does not cover these screenings and who meet income eligibility requirements. These services are provided in local health centers, doctor’s offices, and hospitals. For more information call 1-866 442 2262.

Ministry Schedules for St. James

Schedule for May 6 and 7, 2017 (First Sunday):

5:00 p.m. Mass
Lectors: Scott Hamula and Amy Panek
EM: Barbara Willers, Robin Hamula, Kathleen Rourke

11:00 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Lynne Stager and Maria Connell
EM: Mark Scibilia-Carver, Glenn Stamps, Mary Szymanski

Schedule for May 13 and 14, 2017 (Second Sunday):

5:00 p.m. Mass
Lectors: Kathleen Rourke and Scott Hamula
EM: Barbara Willers, Carol Kuklo, Robin Hamula

11:00 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Rich and Hilary Wong
EM: Lynne Stager, Glenn Stamps

Ministry schedule for Holy Cross:

May 2017:

5/7/17 5/14/17 5/21/17 5/28/17
Greeter in addition to Usher C. Conroy M. Maleski C. Conroy M. Maleski
Altar Ser 1 M. Humhlock M. Humhlock G. Frank G. Frank
Altar Ser 2
Lector 1 M. Frank K. Knapp N. Shumway J. Swanson
Lector 2 P. Motill E. Moore L. Kurkchi J. Leidefrost°
Extraordinary Min 1 G. Frank D. Moore L.A. Fox F. Grasak
Extraordinary Min 2 T. Humulock D. Brandow° M. Frank A. Calice
Extraordinary Min 3 P. Schirmer D. Traphagen K. Sinkiewicz S. Limoncelli
2 Envelopes 2 Envelopes
Usher 1 (Lead) J. Taylor S. Brandow° A. Reagan S. Brandow
Usher 2 E. Conroy J. Taylor E. Conroy T. Grasak
Usher 3 P. Marrella T. Grasak S. Limoncelli M. Maleski
Usher 4 A. Reagan M. Maleski

June 2017:

6/4/17 6/11/17 6/18/17 6/25/17
Greeter in addition to Usher C. Conroy M. Maleski C. Conroy M. Maleski
Altar Ser 1 M. Humhlock M. Humhlock G. Frank G. Frank
Altar Ser 2
Lector 1 P. Motill E. Moore N. Shumway J. Leidefrost°
Lector 2 T. Humulock K. Knapp J. Swanson E. Moore
Extraordinary Min 1 L.A. Fox D. Moore F. Grasak L.A. Fox
Extraordinary Min 2 S. Limoncelli D. Traphagen P. Schirmer M. Frank
Extraordinary Min 3 A. Calice D. Brandow° K. Sinkiewicz T. Humulock
2 Envelopes 2 Envelopes
Usher 1 (Lead) J. Taylor S. Brandow° J. Taylor A. Reagan
Usher 2 E. Conroy A. Reagan E. Conroy M. Maleski
Usher 3 P. Marrella M. Maleski T. Grasak S. Limoncelli
Usher 4 S. Limoncelli

Ministry Schedules for St. Francis Solanus Church

Lector Schedule


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:


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© 2024 The Parish of Mary Mother of Mercy
3660 Orchard St., P.O. Box 403, Interlaken, NY 14847

St. James the Apostle, 17 Whig St, Trumansburg, NY
Holy Cross, 7231 Main Street, Ovid, N.Y.
St. Francis Solanus, 3660 Orchard St., Interlaken, N.Y.
Diocese of Rochester

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