October 23, 2022 ~ Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading:
The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest till it reaches its goal, nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds. (Sir. 35:21)

The Lord hears the cry of the poor. (Ps. 34)

Second Reading:
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearance. (2 Tm. 4:8)

“For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Lk. 18:14)

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

Live the Liturgy—Inspiration for the Week:
To be humble means to see ourselves as we are. It comes with the recognition that we are never perfect, better than another, or free of sin. The humble person knows their faults and failings as well as their successes and triumphs. They also realize that they are nothing without God, especially God’s mercy. The humble one knows who they are, who they can be, and how they have fallen short. Being desperately in love with God, they know how they have sometimes given in to their desires rather than God’s will, almost with a sense of embarrassment. Being justified in our relationship with God is not about a list of the good things we do and the bad things we don’t. We are vindicated when we realize how totally dependent we are upon God’s gratuitous, abundant, and unconditional love. It is a gift we often take for granted and is often unappreciated.

Catholic Quotes—Words to Inspire the Faithful:









  • Food Pantries:
    • Ovid Federated Church: Mondays, 10:00 a.m.
    • Food Truck: First Tuesday of the month (November 1), 4:00–6:00 p.m., South Seneca High School
    • Interlaken Reformed church: Fridays, 3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
    • Trumansburg Food Pantry: Every other Monday (October 24) 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 5:15–6:00 p.m., Methodist church
  • Family Hope Center: Tuesdays 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., and Thursdays 4:00–6:00 p.m., Holy Cross
  • Fr. Bernard is available: Fridays, 6:30–7:30 p.m., St. Francis Solanus
  • Confirmation program: Saturdays, 5:00 p.m., St. Francis Solanus
  • Prayer for Healing and Harmony: James Pine Room
  • Every Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.
  • Thursdays; 27; 7:30 p.m.
  • Taizé Prayer: October 27, 4:00 p.m., St. James
  • Spiritual Book Reading & Discussion: Wednesdays, 3:15 p.m., St. James Pine Room
  • Sweet Sundays at St. James: November 6, 10:00 a.m., St. James the Apostle
  • Religious Education: November 12, 5:00 p.m., St. Francis

Heat Pumps:
Heat pumps are being installed at St. Francis Solanus and St. James the Apostle Churches. They will provide heat in the winter (however, the boilers will continue to be in operation) and air conditioning in the summer. Heat Pumps will be installed at St. Francis Solanus Church and up in running by the end of the October 17th week. They will be installed and at St. James the Apostle Church and up and running by the end of the October 31st week. Switzer Services, Inc. will do the installation and maintenance of the Heat Pumps.

Cemetery Collection:
Annually, there is a second collection for the support of our cemeteries, St. James the Apostle Cemetery and Holy Cross Cemetery. This year the collection will be taken up on the November 6th weekend. The operating expenses for each cemetery override the ordinary income and therefore our cemeteries operate with an annual deficit. We are posting this Cemetery Collection announcement early to petition parishioners to please consider making a special financial gift to the cemeteries. Your help will be appreciated greatly.

Collection Counters:
Our parish needs Sunday Collection Counters. Every parish is to have four teams and substitute counters. With many volunteers the need to count would be twelve times a year. Our parish is also in need of a “remote deposit person” who, by the computer, deposits checks directly into the bank. This person is needed every week for less than an hour. Please consider helping your parish in this ministry.

Clothing Drive for Refugees:
Men’s clothing only is being collected by Wednesday’s “Healing and Harmony Group”. Clean jackets, shoes, boots, pants (36” or smaller), sweatshirts, sweaters, new socks, new underwear, and backpacks are needed. Please bring items in bags or boxes. Donations can be left in the entry way of St. James the Apostle by Tuesday, October 25th. The clothing will be delivered to St. Michael’s Church, Brooklyn, (a parish staffed by the Capuchin Franciscans). That area of Brooklyn being inundated with refugees in need of clothing. Thank you for your kindness. Any questions phone Gerry Todi at 607–387–6657.

Trumansburg Area Christmas Bureau:
For over 70 years, the Christmas Bureau has helped families by providing clothes and toys for children and food for their families for the holidays by anonymously connecting neighbors who can help with neighbors in need. Families requesting assistance must live in the Trumansburg School District and have children ages 18 or younger. To apply or to be a child sponsor, email tburgchristmas@gmail.com or phone 607–387–3428. For more info, visit: trumansburgareachristmasbureau.org.

Trumansburg Food Pantry:
The Trumansburg Food Pantry is looking for folks to fill volunteer leadership roles. Help brainstorm and follow through with new ideas to combat food insecurity. Come train in 2023 and be ready to take the reins in 2024. Contact Carol Grove, Pantry Coordinator at 607–387–6128.

2022-2023 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA):
The active phase of our parish CMA campaign continues. By now past CMA donors have received a special letter in the mail with a personalized pledge card. Thank you to everyone who has responded with a gift or pledge. If you have not yet responded, please prayerfully consider a gift. The CMA provides funding for important programs, services and ministries that strengthen our whole Church. Every gift to the CMA helps those in need, supports the mission of the Church, and comes back to help our parish. Thank you. Let us continue to pray for the success of our efforts.

Eucharistic Revival Preaching:
We are at the beginning of a three-year National Eucharistic Revival. The mission of the revival is “…to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.” A noted preacher on the Holy Eucharist is Fr. Stephen Hayes, OP. He will preach during a Holy Hour at All Saints Church (347 Ridge Road, Lansing) this Tuesday, October 25th at 7:00 p.m. The topic is Christ in the Monstrance: See how much God loves you.” He will also preach this Wednesday, October 26th, at the 9:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Cross Church (375 George Rd., Freeville). The topic will be The Mass: Worship and Sacrifice.

Marriage Encounter Weekend:
The Marriage Encounter weekend is November 11-13 at the Notre Dame Retreat House, Canandaigua. The Marriage Encounter gives busy couples much needed time together to focus on each other and deepen their communication. The application fee is $100. For more information, contact Mike and Kathy Williams at 585–872– 5432 (home) or 585–217–3899 (Cell).

All are welcome to the Ovid Federated Church on Thursday, October 27 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. for a pulled pork, mac & cheese, coleslaw and bundt cake dinner. No charge, simply, come to the table.

Online Giving – WeShare:
Online giving by WeShare is safe, simple and convenient. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Visit the parish website’s giving page: marymotherofmercy.com/giving
  2. Follow the directions under the “Donate Online” section.
  3. Set up your donation or payment.

That’s it! Your account will be created and you can put away your checkbook. If you experience any problem, please e-mail Eileen at eileen.heptig@dor.org

Opportunities for Prayer and Sharing – St. James Pine Room:

  • Prayer for Healing & Harmony: every Wednesday, 2:00–3:00 p.m., and the 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7:30–8:30 p.m. (Oct. 27; Nov. 10; Dec. 8 & 22)
  • Read and Reflect: every Wednesday, 3:15–4:15 p.m. (Hope Against Darkness by Richard Rohr)
  • Taizé prayer: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 4:00–5:00 p.m. (Oct. 27; Nov. 10; Dec. 8 & 22)

Any questions? Phone Sr. Anne at 607-209-4206 or email a.alder1980@gmail.com.

Healing Journey Class:
People experience life tragedies, and they can leave one paralyzed in depression and questioning their faith. A 29 week Healing Journey class will begin October 25 from 6:30–8:30 p.m. at the Interlaken Reformed Church. Steve Messmer will lead the class. For more information phone: 607–882–1374. To register, phone the church office: 607–532–4321.

Family Hope Center:
The Family Hope Center has two locations: one in Geneva and a satellite location in Ovid in the Holy Cross Church Rectory. Family Hope Center fights for life by valuing life above all else. It means offering support through free pregnancy tests, a limited ultrasound referral, parenting and life skills classes, bible studies, material aid such as diapers and clothing, and through our forgiven and set free post abortion study. It means looking at our clients and saying, “I see your life; I value your life. I see and value your children’s lives. You are important and loved.” Women come to the Family Hope Center to be valued. To learn more visit familyhopecentergeneva.org, call 315–789–0708, or email familyhopecenter@outlook.com.

Please take time this week to pray the rosary for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic and for world peace, especially in Ukraine.

Prayers for Our Parish:
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester have a prayer ministry for the Diocese of Rochester. Sister Anne Marie Burns will be praying for our parish and parishioners throughout 2022. We thank the Sisters for their thoughtfulness and kindness toward us. In our appreciation, please keep the Sisters of St. Joseph, especially Sr. Anne Marie, in your thoughts and prayers.

Mass Intention Requests:
Parishioners requesting a Mass intention for a particular date and time can do so by completing the “Mass Intentions Request Form” located in the foyers of the churches. Mass intentions may also be requested by phoning the parish office.

Sanctuary Lamp:
In Catholic Churches, a candle is always lit to indicate that the Blessed Sacrament is present in the church. This candle is called the “sanctuary lamp.” Every week the candle or oil is renewed. In many churches, people donate to the church for the sanctuary lamp be lit for the week for the intention of the donor. This has been the custom at Holy Cross Church, Ovid and is now extended to St. James the Apostle and St. Francis Solanus Churches. In making the donation simply put on the envelope, “donation for the sanctuary lamp” and specify the week and, if so desired, your intention.

Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes:
The Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes is located at 551 Exchange St. in Geneva with an office in Ovid at 7231 Main St. “If you regret your abortion, you are not alone. Let us help you learn to forgive yourself.” For more information phone 315 789 0708, text: 315-945-1019, or e-mail familyhopecenter@outlook.com.

Cancer Services Program (CSP):
Cortland and Tompkins Counties offer free cancer screenings to those who are uninsured or have health insurance that does not cover these screenings. The screening services are provided in local health centers, doctors’ offices, and hospitals. For more information, contact CSP at 866 442 2262.

Prayer Intentions:
Please feel free to add your prayer requests in the books available for that purpose in each church. The prayer requests of fellow parishioners are listed on the parish website (see PRAYERS in top bar). You may also add a request by emailing the parish at immmercy@dor.org or phoning the parish office at 607–294–0064 and it will be added to the list.

Let Us Pray:
Please remember in your prayers those members of our parish who are in the hospital, sick at home, in a nursing home, or who have requested our prayers (see the list on the parish’s PRAYERS page). We also ask you to pray for those who have died. May the Lord bring comfort to their family and friends during this difficult time and may they find hope in the Resurrection.

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© 2024 The Parish of Mary Mother of Mercy
3660 Orchard St., P.O. Box 403, Interlaken, NY 14847

St. James the Apostle, 17 Whig St, Trumansburg, NY
Holy Cross, 7231 Main Street, Ovid, N.Y.
St. Francis Solanus, 3660 Orchard St., Interlaken, N.Y.
Diocese of Rochester

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Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester   ·   1150 Buffalo Road   ·   Rochester, NY 14624
DOR Safe Environment Info   ·   www.dor.org