Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ June 23, 2024

National Eucharistic Revival:
June 19, 2022–Pentecost 2025

Parish Eucharistic Revival:
June 11, 2023–June 2024

National Eucharistic Congress:
July 17-21, 2024

Lucas Oil Stadium, In-dianapolis, Indiana

First Reading:
Thus far shall you come but no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stilled! (Jb. 38:11)

Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting. (Ps. 107)

Second Reading:
So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. (2 Cor. 5:17)

They were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?” (Mk. 4:41)

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

Live the Liturgy—Inspiration for the Week:
So often when we are weathering the storm, it feels like God is asleep — but we never even tried to wake Him up! Bring God your fears, your doubts, your uncertainties. He will show you that He steers the ship, and even the wind and the seas obey.

Catholic Quotes—Words to Inspire the Faithful:









  • Mary Ann Hauff died on May 24, 2024, at the age of 69. A Funeral Mass was celebrated on May 31, 2024, at St. James the Apostle Church on May 31, 2024.
  • Doris Jane Lewin died on June 6, 2024 at the age of 100. A Funeral Mass was celebrated at Holy Cross Church on June 12, 2024.

2024-2025 Parish Council Committees:
A Parish Council meeting was held on June 13. The latter part of the meeting was devoted to the election of an Executive Committee and the formation of Standing Committees for the 2024-2025 Parish Council year. Executive Committee elections: Tim Davis (Chair), Leo Kawczenski (Vice-chair), and Susan Guydosh (Secretary).

Standing committees were formed:

  • Word Committee: Tim Housknecht (Chair), Cheryl Hine, and Duane Porterfield.
  • Worship Committee: Barb Willers (Chair), Marc Albanese, and Sharon Dal Cero.
  • Witness Committee: Karen Salino (Chair), Bill Carroll, Adele Jay, and Eddie Koh.
  • Fellowship Committee: Russ Wedemeyer (Chair), Liz Coats, Pat Dickerson, Jackie Leidenfrost, and Sheila Ryan.

Missionary Cooperation Plan—This Weekend:
Fr. Vijay Joseph from the Love & Care Mission (LCM), Inc. will be this year’s Mission Representative for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Fr. Joseph will preach next weekend, June 22/23, 2024. The Pontifical Mission Societies state that all dioceses and all parish communities are to share in the very life of the Mission Church by welcoming missionaries to tell their story and experiences through the Missionary Cooperation Plan.

LCM was founded by priests and lay people, supported by Bishops with a vision to answer the call of God to serve the poor and the needy. The founding directors have been in such ministry for many years. Our ministry is based on Jesus’ mission of healing the sick and comforting the afflicted and to bring the good news of salvation to all. LCM is committed to Respect life, specially to alleviate the sufferings of the poorest of the poor, sick and needy children in the developing world. These children need our care and attention. We helped 9,636 children last year. The organization currently supports projects in India, Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana. We help through 7 dioceses, 9 Religious (Nuns) congregations and 4 not for profit organizations.

Parish Census—Volunteers Needed:
The Diocesan offices of Stewardship and Information Technology have notified our parish that our parish census will take place in the months of June/July/August. The census objective is to gather accurate and up-to-date contact and household information for all registered and unregistered Catholics in the parish. The Offices of Stewardship and Information Technology will guide the parish in conducting the census. Currently, we ask for parishioner help to volunteer to help with this activity. Volunteers, please phone the parish office.

Peter’s Pence Collection:
Next week we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection to support the Universal Church and the work of the Holy See, including helping  Pope Francis carry out his charitable works. These works benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Please be generous. For more information, visit

2023-2024 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA):
Bishop Matano wrote a letter on June 3, 2024, thanking parishioners for their contributions to the CMA and for exceeding the parish assigned goal of $31,000. The report issued on June 5, 2024, made known that one hundred and four parish households pledged $31,657 or 102.12% of goal. This is remarkable. Again, “Thank you” to all who participated in the Appeal. Even though the Appeal is Diocesan, our parish also benefits. God bless and reward you.

Personal Care Products Collection:
During the month of June, we are asking all parishioners to donate personal care items for the clients of our local food pantries.

While many personal care items are donated to the food pantries throughout the year, during this month of June, additional attention is being paid to these items. These necessary items are not covered by SNAP / Food Stamps. Personal care products that are needed include soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, body soap or washes, shaving soap, razors, deodorants, etc. This special collection will be held during the month of June, ending Sunday, June 30. All items collected in our parish’s churches will go the local food pantry in that village.

Opportunities for Parish Ministry:
Our parish has a constant need for parishioner involvement such as ushers, collection counters, altar servers, church decorators, lectors, etc. Please do not hesitate to volunteer for a ministry where you see a need or a have liking for that service. Parish office: 607-294-0064 or

Catholic Action Network – Update
The New York State Legislature concluded this year’s legislative session on Saturday, June 8. Here is a summary of the “Physician Assisted Suicide” S2445-C (Hoylman-Sigal)/A995-C (Paulin):

Defeating the Assisted Suicide legislation remained a top priority this year. Opponents seemed to have more momentum than ever. The Medical Society of the Sate of New York, the New York State Academy of Family Physicians and the New York State Council of Churches have all backed the bill in recent months. However, our efforts and your advocacy led to the bill stalling once again. There remains a great discomfort with the bill among key lawmakers, and we will continue to build on that opposition when it is inevitably reintroduced next session.

Programs at St. James:
Sister Anne Alderman, SSJ facilitates these three reoccurring programs in the Pine Room at St. James the Apostle, Trumansburg. If you have questions about any of these programs, contact Sister Anne at 607–209–4206 or email

  • Prayer for Healing and Harmony: On the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., Sr. Anne leads a time of silent prayer. This provides an opportunity for personal reflection and healing. The session closes with a time to share any reflections that came to you. You do not need to attend every session.
  • The Taizé Prayer is facilitated on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m.. Taizé Prayer was developed by an ecumenical community of monks in Taizé, France. It consists of readings and prayers interspersed with quiet, repetitive songs—a good way to quiet your soul and psyche after a busy day.
  • Every Wednesday at 3:15 p.m., all are invited to participate in a book study. The current book is Selected Writings by Joyce Rupp (selected with an introduction by Michael Leach).

Notre Dame Retreat House:

  • July 14-19: A six day silent directed retreat, a spiritual director are assigned to each individual.
  • July 21-26: Prayer as Discernment Deepening the Felt Presence of our Trinitarian God with Fr. Gerry McKeon, S.J.
  • July 24: Following Jesus in a Polarized World with Fr. Aaron Wessman, G.H.M.

Retreat House: 5151 Foster Rd. Canandaigua, NY, 585-394-5700,

Branches Christian Rest & Renewal:

8251 Lower Like Rd, Lodi, NY

How to be a Saint, presentation by Ann Kern, Saturday July 13, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Retreat info: email: or phone 716-901-4313.

Donating to Your Parish:

Online giving by WeShare is safe, simple and convenient. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Visit the parish website’s giving page:
  2. Follow the directions under the “Donate Online” section.
  3. Set up your donation or payment.

That’s it! Your account will be created and you can put away your checkbook. If you experience any problem, please e-mail Eileen at

Be a Friend to Our Neighbors in Need:
Catholic Charities in Ithaca is seeking volunteers to commit to one 3-hour shift per week, Tuesday through Friday, to wait on customers and help sort donations at their free clothing closet. To sign up, contact or 607-272-5062.

Eucharist Congress:
The signature event of the National Eucharistic Revival is the National Eucharist Congress that will take place July 17-24 at the Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana. For information and registration go to:

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage:
Four pilgrimages will begin this month beginning from four different parts of the country and conclude in Indianapolis, Indiana for the beginning of the National Eucharist Congress, July 17th. The four routes will cover more than 6,000 miles and pass through nearly 70 dioceses. For more information about this historical event go to:

Victims Assistance:
Victims of sexual abuse should always report to the civil authorities. To receive help and guidance from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator: Deborah Housel 525-328-3228, ext. 1555 or by email to

Prayer Intentions:
Please feel free to add your prayer requests in the books available for that purpose in each church. The prayer requests of fellow parishioners are listed on the parish website (see PRAYERS in top bar). You may also add a request by emailing the parish at or phoning the parish office at 607–294–0064 and it will be added to the list.

Let Us Pray: Please remember in your prayers those members of our parish who are in the hospital, sick at home, in a nursing home, or who have requested our prayers (see the list on the parish’s PRAYERS page). We also ask you to pray for those who have died. May the Lord bring comfort to their family and friends during this difficult time and may they find hope in the Resurrection.

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© 2024 The Parish of Mary Mother of Mercy
3660 Orchard St., P.O. Box 403, Interlaken, NY 14847

St. James the Apostle, 17 Whig St, Trumansburg, NY
Holy Cross, 7231 Main Street, Ovid, N.Y.
St. Francis Solanus, 3660 Orchard St., Interlaken, N.Y.
Diocese of Rochester

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