Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 1, 2017

Year of the Eucharist June 18, 2017—June 3, 2018

26th Sunday Ordinary nat_1_qtr_EN_4c

First Reading:
But if he turns from the wickedness he has committed, he does what is right and just, he shall preserve his life. (Ez. 18:27)

Remember your mercies, O Lord. (Ps. 25)

Second Reading:
Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus, Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. (Phil. 2:5-6)

“When John came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe him; but tax collectors and prostitutes did. Yet even when you saw that, you did not later change your minds and believe him.” (Mt. 21:32)

Live the Liturgy—Inspiration for the Week:
Saying and doing are two very different things. Often, we say we are going to do the right thing but then we do not. We get distracted by a self-focused concern, apathy, fear, and a number of other excuses. The choice to act with virtue is always before us. The ability to choose is one of God’s gifts. Fully living the Gospel means that we choose to “practice what we preach.” Faith without action serves no purpose.

Words to Inspire the Faithful:
“For it is in giving that we receive.” ~ Prayer of St. Francis

© Liturgical Publications Inc.

Upcoming Events:

  • AA Meetings: St. Francis Church, on Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.
  • Food Pantries: Ovid Federated Church on Mondays, 10:00 a.m. The food truck is available to everyone every other Tuesday, 3:00 p.m. PM (October 3 and October 17). The food pantry is at the Interlaken Reformed Church on Fridays, 3:00–6:00 p.m. The Trumansburg food pantry is at the Methodist Church every other Monday 1:00–2:00 p.m. and 5:30–6:00 p.m. (October 9 and October 23).
  • Rehearsals for the St. James Guitar Choir: Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the choir loft.
  • The annual collection of winter coats for both St. Francis Solanus and Holy Cross Churches ends this weekend.
  • Following Rubrics: Parishioners will kneel after the Lamb of God during Mass beginning October 1.
  • Respect Life Sunday Mass with Bishop Matano: Sunday, October 1, at 4:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Victory/St. Joseph Church on 210 Pleasant St. in Downtown Rochester.
  • October 4 is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. All are invited to bring their pets for a blessing (a para-liturgical service) that will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the Parish Center (St. Francis Solanus Church, Interlaken).
  • Coat Distribution: on October 7, from 10:00 a.m. until noon at the Ovid VFW.
  • Tom Lange Memorial CROP Hunger Walk: October 8, beginning at 2:00 p.m. (all walkers register at 1:45 p.m.). Host and starting place will be St. James the Apostle Church, Whig St., Trumansburg.
  • A dedication blessing of the Willard Memorial: October 13, at 11:00 a.m. at Holy Cross Cemetery, Ovid
  • An Old Fashion Barn Dance: on Saturday, October 14, at the Brook Barn (Route 96, Interlaken) from 5:00 p.m.–10:30 p.m. Admission is free. All are welcome.
  • Ministry Fair on November 4 and 5: Stop by after Mass and enjoy some food as you speak to members of the various ministries that enrich our parish.
  • Solanus Casey, OFM Cap., Beatification: November 18 in Detroit, MI.

Respect Life Sunday:
Respect Life Sunday is observed every year on the first Sunday in October (Respect Life Month). This year’s theme, “Be Not Afraid,” is being featured from October 2017 through September 2018. In our present social context, marked by a dramatic struggle between the “culture of life” and the “culture of death,” there is need to develop a deep critical sense, capable of discerning true values and authentic needs. “What is urgently called for is a general mobilization of consciences and a united ethical effort to activate a great campaign in support of life. All together, we must build a new culture of life. St. John Paul II, The Gospel of Life, no. 95 (emphasis added).

Blessing of Animals:
This Wednesday, October 4, is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis praised and thanked God for all His creation. A custom of this day is the blessing of animals. All are invited to bring their pets for a blessing (para-liturgical service) that will take place at 6:30 p.m. on the feast day at the Parish Center (St. Francis Solanus Church, Interlaken).

Hurricane Irma Aid:
Hurricane Irma caused devastating damage in the southeastern United States and many areas of the Caribbean. Our parish will conduct a second collection this weekend to assist victims of the hurricane. All funds collected will be used in affected areas to support humanitarian aid and assistance with long-term efforts to restore impacted communities, including the pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church in those areas. If you use a check for the collection, kindly make out the check to Mary, Mother of Mercy and indicate “Irma Aid” in the memo/notes field. Thank you for your generosity.

This Sunday Liturgical Posture Change:
One of the items in the pastoral letter from Bishop Matano announcing a “Year of the Eucharist” states the liturgical norm of the Roman Catholic Church that at Mass, after the Lamb of God, the assembly is to kneel. He expresses that in our churches we are to follow the rubric thereby keeping in union with the universal church. Our parish will begin to follow this norm this weekend. 

Year of the EucharistYearofEucharist_150_LOGO (1)
“As a prescribed act of reverence during the continuing after the ‘Year of the Eucharist,’ I am asking that, where possible (according to existing accommodations for sitting and kneeling), we renew and observe the prescription stated in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, which reads: ‘In the Dioceses of the United States of America the faithful should kneel after the singing or recitation of the Sanctus (“Holy, Holy, Holy”) until after the Amen of the Eucharistic Prayer…’ and that ‘The faithful kneel after the Agnus Dei (“Lamb of God”) …’ (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no 43). This normative practice of kneeling truly is a humble manifestation of our reverence before the One whom we are soon to receive. This solemn time of prayer prepares us interiorly to receive the Christ of the Eucharist as Saint John the Baptist’s proclamation, ‘Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world…’ (John 1:29), unites with the Centurion’s ardent profession of faith, ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.’ (Matthew 8:8).” The above is taken from Bishop Salvatore R. Matano’s pastoral letter announcing a “Year of the Eucharist” in celebration of the 150 (Sesquicentennial) anniversary of the diocese. The full pastoral letter is available on the diocesan website. 

Ministry Fair at Your Church:
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” (Romans 12: 6). By our baptism we are called to share in the ministry of the church, using the gifts and talents God has provided. We invite you to think about your talents. How can you contribute to your church? The Worship Committee will be having a ministry fair at each of our churches on November 4 and 5. Stop by after Mass and enjoy some food as you speak to members of the various ministries that enrich our parish. You will have an opportunity to ask questions before signing up for the ministry that best fits your gifts and interests.

2017-2018 Catholic Ministries Appeal:
Hopefully everyone has received the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) mailing by this time and has had a chance to review the materials. Extra copies of the brochure are available in church. The theme for this year’s campaign is “Glorifying the Lord by Our Lives.” The CMA affords each of us an opportunity to support the larger Church so that it can meet real needs throughout the diocese. Your support enables the Church to be responsive and caring. Please be generous in your response. Every gift is needed and important! If it is easier, you can make your gift at You can also pay your pledge off in six installments. Pledge forms, which can be put in the collection or mailed directly to the diocese, are available in the back of the church. Please pray for the success of our efforts. The Parish of Mary, Mother of Mercy has been given the goal of $30, 549. This is $694 higher than last year’s goal.

Maintenance Fund:
The monthly “Maintenance Fund Collection” will be taken up next weekend. This collection helps in the support of the parish’s buildings and grounds maintenance. Your help is appreciated greatly. Thank you.

Food Donations:
Next weekend food donations may be brought to St. James the Apostle Church and placed on the table in front of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Monetary donations are accepted also.

Willard Memorial:
A monument has been erected in Holy Cross Cemetery, Ovid, listing the names of Willard State Hospital patients buried in the cemetery in unmarked graves. A dedication blessing of the monument will take place on Friday, October 13, at 11:00 a.m. Present will be Ann Marie T. Sullivan, M.D., commissioner of the Office of Mental Health, and John B. Allen Jr., special assistant to the commissioner. Both played a key role in the establishment of the monument with invaluable help from the Willard Committee, chaired by Colleen Kelly Spellecy. All are welcome to celebrate the event.

Town of Covert Bicentennial Event:
An Old Fashion Barn Dance will be held on Saturday, October 14, at the Brook Barn (Route 96, Interlaken) from 5:00 p.m.–10:30 p.m. Admission is free. All are welcome.

Thank you:
Ms. Nancy Canniff, director of the South Seneca Ecumenical Food Pantry, sent a note of appreciation on September 7, for our parish support. “Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.”

When Writing Checks to the Parish:
This is a reminder, please do not make checks out to the church name but to the parish name, “Mary, Mother of Mercy.”

Tom Lange Memorial CROP Hunger Walk:
The twenty-ninth annual Trumansburg CROP Walk will take place on Sunday, October 8, at 2:00 p.m. (all walkers register at 1:45 p.m.). Host and starting place will be St. James The Apostle Catholic Church, Whig St., Trumansburg. The Trumansburg Area Churches (TAC) sponsors this annual walk to support this national effort of Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty (CROP). TAC sponsored the start of the Food Pantry and the Hunger Walk in the same year. Last year T’Burg raised over $9,100; with 25% of that going to the T’Burg Food Pantry and the rest to national and international programs. Community members of all ages and faiths come together to step out for neighbors close to home and throughout the world in need of food programs and clean water! Visit Note that folks may donate or sign up on-line. Thanks to all! Questions: Carolyn Lange: 607 387 5220 home or 607 275 7083 cell/text or email

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
If you know of someone who is interested in learning about the Catholic Faith, make them aware of the parish RCIA program and invite them to participate. Adult Catholics who have not yet celebrated the sacraments of Confirmation and or Holy Communion are most welcome. The program is also helpful for Catholics interested in furthering they knowledge of Gospel faith. The program will begin in the fall, the exact date is not yet set. The program usually takes place on Sunday mornings. Application forms for the program are located in the vestibule of the church.

Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester:
The sisters have a prayer ministry and throughout 2017, Sister Dolores Bachman and Sister Anne Marie Burns will be praying for our parish and parishioners. Let us keep the sisters in our prayers as an expression of gratitude. Sisters of St. Joseph website:

Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes:
Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes, located at 551 Exchange St. in Geneva, is offering a “Forgiven and Set Free” post abortive ten-week session beginning October 4 until December 13. There is no cost involved. “If you regret your abortion, you are not alone. Let us help you learn to forgive yourself. Pleased join us for this healing ministry program.” For more information phone 315 789 0708.

Toiletries and Hygiene Products:
There is a basket in the vestibule of St. James church for donations of toiletries. The request comes from Catholic Charities which is in need of items like shampoo, toothpaste, diapers etc. The items will be transferred to the Catholic Charities office in Ithaca.

Cancer Services Program (Cortland and Tompkins Counties):
This a program that provides free cancer screenings (breast, cervical, and colorectal) to women from ages 40–64 and men ages 50–64, who are uninsured or have health insurance that does not cover these screenings and who meet income eligibility requirements. These services are provided in local health centers, doctor’s offices, and hospitals. For more information call 1-866 442 2262.

Ministry Schedules for St. James the Apostle

Schedule for September 30 and October 1, 2017 (First Sunday):

5:00 p.m. Mass
Lectors: Scott Hamula and Amy Panek
EM: Barbara Willers, Robin Hamula, Kathleen Rourke

11:00 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Lynne Stager and Maria Connell
EM: Mark Scibilia-Carver, Glenn Stamps, Mary Szymanski

Schedule for October 7 and 8, 2017 (Second Sunday):

5:00 p.m. Mass
Lectors: Kathleen Rourke and Scott Hamula
EM: Barbara Willers, Carol Kuklo, Robin Hamula

11:00 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Rich and Hilary Wong
EM: Lynne Stager, Glenn Stamps

Ministry schedules for Holy Cross

October 2017:

10/1/17 10/8/17 10/15/17 10/22/17 10/29/17
Greeter in addition to Usher C. Conroy C. Conroy
Altar Ser 1 G. Frank M. Humulock M. Humulock G. Frank P. Schirmer
Altar Ser 2
Lector 1 M. Frank P. Motill N. Shumway J. Leidefrost° M. Humulock
Lector 2 E. Moore J. Swanson T. Humulock L. Kurkchi K. Knapp
2 Envelopes 2 Envelopes
Extraordinary Min 1 S. Limoncelli G. Frank F. Grasak L.A. Fox T. Humulock
Extraordinary Min 2 D. Moore T. Humulock P. Schirmer M. Frank D. Brandow
Extraordinary Min 3 D. Traphagen D. Brandow° L.A. Fox K. Sinkiewicz A. Calice
2 Envelopes
Usher 1 (Lead) J. Taylor S. Brandow° J. Taylor A. Reagan J. Taylor
Usher 2 A. Reagan S. Limoncelli T. Grasak P. Marrella S. Brandow
Usher 3 P. Marrella J. Swanson S. Limoncelli
Usher 4

Ministry Schedules for St. Francis Solanus Church

Lector Schedule (Forthcoming)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 

REMEMBER: to take Communion to Richard Suchocki and Maryann Dendis before giving to congregation.

Altar Server Schedule: (Forthcoming)


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© 2024 The Parish of Mary Mother of Mercy
3660 Orchard St., P.O. Box 403, Interlaken, NY 14847

St. James the Apostle, 17 Whig St, Trumansburg, NY
Holy Cross, 7231 Main Street, Ovid, N.Y.
St. Francis Solanus, 3660 Orchard St., Interlaken, N.Y.
Diocese of Rochester

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