Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ February 9, 2020

First reading:
If you bestow your bread on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted; then light shall rise for you in the darkness. (Is. 58:10)

The just man is a light in the darkness to the upright. (Ps. 112)
or Alleluia

Second reading:
For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. (1 Cor. 2:2)

Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. (Mt. 5:16)

Live the Liturgy—Inspiration for the Week:
Before the arrival of GPS and other technological advances, folks relied on a compass to assist them with directions. If set and used properly, people who would otherwise be lost could find their way. What properly sets our God compass? We know that we require God in order to find our way through life, but we need to be in proper relationship with God before this can effectively happen. God certainly does not need to be placated, but some things open Him up to us more than others. Isaiah gives us a clue today. Share your bread with the hungry…clothe the naked…remove oppression, false accusation, and malicious speech…satisfy the afflicted. When we do this, we will not only be on proper course and in right relationship with God, but will be the salt and light Jesus asks us to be.

Catholic Quotes—Words to Inspire the Faithful:








© Liturgical Publications Inc.


  • Food Pantries:
    • Ovid Federated church: Mondays, 10:00 a.m. Food truck is every other Tuesday, 3:00 p.m. (February 18)
    • Interlaken Reformed church: 3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m., Fridays
    • Trumansburg Food Pantry: Methodist church 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 5:15-6:00 p.m., every other Monday (February 17)
  • Trumansburg Robotics: 5:00–8:00 p.m. on Mondays and 3:00–6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, St. James
  • Family Hope Center: 12:00–4:00 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, Holy Cross rectory
  • Fr. Bernard Being Available: Will resume on February 28 at St. Francis
  • Confirmation Candidates Classes: Will resume on March 1 at St. James
  • Catholicism Classes: Will resume on March 4 at St. Francis
  • Public Policy Weekend: February 8 and 9
  • Food Pantry Donations: February 9, St. James
  • Religious Education Monthly Gathering: after 9:00 a.m. Mass, February 16, St. James
  • February Day Camp: 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., February 17 through 21, Camp Stella Maris
  • “Stand Out for Life” Prayer Vigil: 9:00–10:30 a.m., February 22, across the street from Planned Parenthood, Ithaca
  • Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend: April 17–19

2019–2020 Catholic Ministries Appeal:
A second follow-up mailing from the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) office is scheduled for the week of February 18. This mailing will go to all donors who have given to the CMA in 2016–2017, 2017–2018, and 2018–2019, but not yet this year. Parishioners who have not made a pledge to this year’s ministries appeal are asked to please do so soon, to avoid receiving the letter. As of January 31, 2020, a hundred households in our parish made a commitment to contribute $21,716.00 to the CMA, 72.44% of our goal of $29,979.00. Pledge envelopes may be obtained in the foyer of each church.

Public Policy Weekend:
Catholics need to speak out for the vulnerable and one way to do this is by opposing physician-assisted suicides in New York. You’ll have the opportunity in each church to sign our diocese-wide Public Policy Weekend petition in opposition to physician assisted suicide. It will read: “I strongly oppose any legislation to legalize assisted suicide in New York State. Allowing doctors to prescribe a lethal dose for patients to end their lives devalues human life. There is also significant potential for abuse. I urge you to focus instead on improving palliative care, to ensure compassionate, comprehensive care and pain management for those who are terminally ill. We need to accompany rather than abandon them.” If you would prefer to sign the petition online, please go to

Food Pantry Volunteers Needed:
Every two months the churches of Trumansburg and Jacksonville take turns providing volunteers for the Trumansburg Food Pantry located in the Trumansburg United Methodist church. February and March are the months for Mary Mother of Mercy/St. James to provide volunteers this year. Please consider helping by signing up on the list provided in the foyer. There are various times and tasks available from which you can choose and the dates are February 17 and March 2, 16, and 30. Don’t forget to leave your phone number if you would like a reminder call. Thank you.

Food Donations at St. James:
This Sunday, February 9, and every second Sunday of the month, please bring non-perishable food items to St. James church. You may place the item(s) in front of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Monetary gifts are also welcome. Checks should be made out to Mary, Mother of Mercy, with food pantry in the memo line. Your contributions will go directly to the Trumansburg Food Pantry. Thank you to all who contribute!

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
The parish has several home bound parishioners. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, in their appointment by the bishop, can and are invited to bring Holy Communion to the home bound. Please phone the parish office to volunteer. Thank you.

Rice Bowl:
Through Catholic Relief Services (CRS), our parish provides Rice Bowl boxes for people to use during Lent. Pick up your family’s CRS Rice Bowl in the foyer of the church and, throughout Lent, add in your pocket change or other money. This is an easy way for a family to give to those in need around the world and 25% of what is collected stays in our local community.

Catholicism Classes:
The classes will resume on Wednesday, March 4, and continue on the following Wednesdays through the season of Lent. The same class will be held at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the annex at St. Francis Solanus church. Plan now to participate in this adult formation program created by Bishop Robert Barron.

Ithaca Loves Life:
The next monthly “Stand Out for Life” prayer vigils will be on Saturday, February 22, from 9:00–10:30 a.m., across the street from Planned Parenthood. These vigils are a peaceful, prayerful public witness to end abortion and to offer information to the abortion-minded. Let us unite and boldly come together in love for ninety minutes each month. For more information call MaryAnne Tissot (315-246-4749) or Carolann Darling (607-351-6668).

Marriage Enrichment:
If you’re ready for more in your marriage consider attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. The encounter weekends this year are April 17–19 and again November 20–22. “One weekend can change everything.” For more information go to

February Day Camp:
Looking for childcare over February break? Camp Stella Maris has you covered! Their vacation camp runs from February 17 through 21, 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. daily. You have the option of coming for the full week or just a few days. There are tons of great activities planned as well as two field trips. This camp is for children ages 5–10 and requires a two-day minimum. For more information visit:, email: [email protected], or call 585-346-2243 ext. 104. There will also be a spring camp in April.

Sunday Collection Counters:
The parish is in need of people to count our weekend collections. Volunteers work with another volunteer once a month for about two–three hours. If you can do this ministry, it will be a great help to the parish. Please contact the parish office to volunteer.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Throughout February, please phone the parish office for an appointment for reconciliation. The sacrament is also offered at Immaculate Conception church in Ithaca on Saturdays, 2:00–4:00 p.m.; at St Mary’s in Watkins Glen on Sundays, 7:00–7:45 a.m.; and at St Francis DeSales in Geneva on Saturdays, 3:30–4:15 p.m., and Mondays through Fridays, 11:45a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Employment Opportunity:
Could you use a little extra income? The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting thousands of people to collect important information for the 2020 census in their own communities. These are temporary, part-time, or full-time positions with flexible hours. The hourly wages are $17 an hour for an enumerator/lister and $18.50 for a census field supervisor. Mileage is reimbursed at $0.58 per mile. No experience or educational requirement is necessary. If you are interested or have questions go to This is your chance to be a part of history!

Prayers from the Sisters of St. Joseph:
The Sisters of St. Joseph have a prayer ministry for the Diocese of Rochester. They have informed our parish that Sr. Anne Marie Burns will be praying for the parish of Mary, Mother of Mercy, during 2020. In gratitude, let us pray for Sr. Anne Burns and all the Sisters of St. Joseph.

Snow Days:
A reminder that if during the week a “snow day” for the local schools has been declared there will be no morning Mass or communion service that day.

Habitat House for Sale:
There is a Habitat for Humanity home available for sale in Trumansburg. The home has three bedrooms and one bath and is located at 19 Salo Drive on .36 acres. Habitat for Humanity of Tompkins and Cortland Counties provides an affordable home ownership opportunity by offering a “hand up, not a hand out” and evaluate applications based on need, ability to pay, and willingness to partner. The total gross household income should be at least $28,000. Other details about partnering with Habituate in owning your own home are available on their website: Applications for the Salo Drive home will be accepted until January 31. If interested in the home call 607-844-3529 or email Liz Warner at [email protected]. We want to help you purchase your own home!

Employment Opportunity:
Could you use a little extra income? The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting thousands of people to collect important information for the 2020 census in their own communities. These are temporary, part-time, or full-time positions with flexible hours. The hourly wages are $17 an hour for an enumerator/lister and $18.50 for a census field supervisor. Mileage is reimbursed at $0.58 per mile. No experience or educational requirement is necessary. If you are interested or have questions go to This is your chance to be a part of history!

Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes:
Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes, located at 551 Exchange St. in Geneva, is offering a “Forgiven and Set Free” post abortive ten-week session beginning October 4 until December 13. There is no cost involved. “If you regret your abortion, you are not alone. Let us help you learn to forgive yourself. Pleased join us for this healing ministry program.” For more information phone 315 789 0708.

Cancer Services Program (CSP):
Cortland and Tompkins Counties offer free cancer screenings to those who are uninsured or have health insurance that does not cover these screenings. The screening services are provided in local health centers, doctors’ offices, and hospitals. For more information, contact CSP at 866 442 2262.

Toiletries and Hygiene Products:
There is a basket in the vestibule of St. James church for donations of toiletries. The request comes from Catholic Charities which is in need of items like shampoo, toothpaste, diapers etc. The items will be transferred to the Catholic Charities office in Ithaca.

Ministry Schedule for St. Francis Solanus Church, Interlaken

February 8, at 5:00 p.m. (second weekend):
Lectors: Kathleen Rourke, Barbara Willers
EMs: Lee and Mary Davidson, Robin Hamula

February 15, at 5:00 p.m. (third weekend):
Lectors: Scott Hamula, Ann Buddle
EMs: Robin Hamula, Kathleen Rourke, Cathy DelSignore

Ministry Schedule for St. James the Apostle, Trumansburg

February 9, at 9:00 a.m. (second Sunday):
Lectors: Mark Scibilia-Carver and Barbara Willers [Elvira Brockman in April]
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Lynne Stager, Beth Koeng, Mary Szymanski

February 16, at 9:00 a.m. (third Sunday):
Lectors: Donna Ryan and Nancy Olszewski
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Beth and Tom Duff, Debbie Short

Ministry Schedule for Holy Cross, Ovid

Not available at this time

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© 2024 The Parish of Mary Mother of Mercy
3660 Orchard St., P.O. Box 403, Interlaken, NY 14847

St. James the Apostle, 17 Whig St, Trumansburg, NY
Holy Cross, 7231 Main Street, Ovid, N.Y.
St. Francis Solanus, 3660 Orchard St., Interlaken, N.Y.
Diocese of Rochester

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